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Apr 5 2014, 7:25 PM (572 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

goblox added a comment to T96733: zombies run too fast.

No one is saying they shouldn't be fast or hard to deal with... What we are saying is common sense - don't buff them up before solving their OP bugs it's really that simple. Whoever is running their team needs to get their priorities straight. Last I checked zombie != ghost

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
goblox added a comment to T96733: zombies run too fast.

Yeah I don't mind them deadly or fast or inside buildings but we should be able to shut doors in front of them or use fences/gates to block them. I will say I formatted a while back and I needed to re-edit my config files. Once I did that the faster zombies were more manageable but still really hard as a fresh spawn and going a good hour without a single weapon. Granted I eventually got an axe and a rifle but it took me 2 1/2 hours of avoiding and running from zombies. I am enjoying the new melee animations it's a little bit better than it used to be. Still though, I really am irritated they'd buff up the zombies without fixing their no-clip abilities I can't think of a legit justification for doing that. Maybe they think we're too bored trying not to get ambushed by all the other people on servers?

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
goblox added a comment to T96733: zombies run too fast.

Speaking as a software architect I wonder where the hell their priorities are making the zombies faster instead of fixing the fact they are immune to any kind of wall or barrier... 150 hours of dayz since alpha came out and I must say I'm pretty disappointed and irritated because this game was tons of fun and stuff like this ruins it for me. I logged on for the first time in a few weeks and couldn't stand it, tried twice now and had to ragequit - I didn't even die. I don't mind fast zombies but if you're going to make them fast you better fix all the other issues with them before making them fast.. I'm considering saying I got my 30 bucks worth and not playing anymore, it's a shame because I was having a lot of fun. Now it just seems like the game is heading quickly to nowhere if they're going to be making decisions like this.

May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ