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User Since
Mar 9 2013, 5:42 PM (625 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

gobbo added a comment to T88348: Changing Steam NickName Leads to New Character!.

I concur with uritziel. A player should be identified by his Steam ID and have a character list in-game, with the character name defaulting to the current Steam name (i.e. when you select "New Character" in the list, the text field will show that, or if you have no character in the list, the game crates one with the your Steam name for you).

May 10 2016, 4:17 PM · DayZ
gobbo added a comment to T66204: disableCollisionWith has no effect.

Vehicle to Vehicle would be useful when using attachto command to stop damage.

Which is exactly what I was hoping to do with this command. Tired of vehicles blowing up because the attached object collides with it. ;)

Guess it's not really a bug report but more of a feature request, then.

May 10 2016, 2:32 AM · Arma 3
gobbo edited Steps To Reproduce on T66204: disableCollisionWith has no effect.
May 10 2016, 2:32 AM · Arma 3
gobbo edited Steps To Reproduce on T63866: Solid Snakes.
May 10 2016, 1:02 AM · Arma 3
gobbo edited Steps To Reproduce on T63865: Typos in 5.56mm shell sound names.
May 10 2016, 1:02 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

gobbo added a comment to T61133: PROPOSAL for change in Mounting Interface Config design for Weapons - Mounting system categories on Weapons.

While we're at it, can we have this for magazines as well? It's a pain in the rear to add new magazines, because there's always some classnames you forget in the magazines[] array (plus, of course, overriding other addons).

May 9 2016, 10:51 PM · Arma 3