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- User Since
- Dec 7 2022, 8:27 PM (117 w, 6 d)
Jun 29 2024
With props like placed things and fences the same thing happens however if you just go back to the squad and ask them to follow again they will go back to normal. But with trees and rocks they just seem to completely break.
Jun 28 2024
Here is a video example
Oct 14 2023
Any update on this? This no longer happens when the other player is driving so the driving is smooth but the movement is still not.
May 25 2023
This is also solved by port forwarding!
May 24 2023
As it turns out i just needed to port forward it works now thank you!
May 17 2023
So i tried the dedicated server. And only my local machines could join when i left the bind ip blank. When i changed it to my public IP once again no one could join. So for me both the listen and dedicated server is not working. I don't know if this is relevant but with the person i was testing with we can host and join our arma 3 games just fine so i assume its not anything to do with our network situation. The problem is exclusive to reforger. Let me know if i can provide anything else thank you!
May 16 2023
May 11 2023
Dec 8 2022
Yeah the devs replied to me on discord and said it was an issue on there side and that there working on it.
Dec 7 2022
I'm also on windows 11 but that wasn't an option if that's useful. Thanks!