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User Since
Jul 1 2014, 4:07 AM (557 w, 11 h)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

frenchy32 added a comment to T102972: [Suggestion] It will be really nice to see alcohol effects..

eventually, down the road... 2 years from now, It would be fun.
In a mean time, they have SO MUCH MORE shit to work on, I ll pass on the details

May 11 2016, 12:47 AM · DayZ
frenchy32 added a comment to T102963: Game Freeze ! Unable to move, shoot, use and even go to the menu ! Please fast fix !.

I had the same problem and know why it happened ( for me at least)
It ONLY happened when I tried to join a server by hoping on a friend on the "Steam" friend list.
When I reboot the game and log back in from the server list, it s back to normal

May 11 2016, 12:47 AM · DayZ
frenchy32 added a comment to T102962: Kill messages.

No buddy.. how s that for hacking ?
check that SS I posted.
happened a few nights ago. I was with a few clanmate, then suddenly black screen, and we all respawn as black chicks, in underwear without any of our shit
there is a lot to work on days dudes !

May 11 2016, 12:47 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

frenchy32 edited Steps To Reproduce on T99978: Spawn delay when entering server.
May 10 2016, 11:05 PM · DayZ
frenchy32 added a comment to T99971: NE airfield.

M4Z_TeR_, sorry to disappoint you, Im no camper looter, and not more of a hacker.
as matter of fact, I play hardcore only, so no 3D advantage, and I m not aware of the wall glitch.... seems that you are.
Judging about your assumptions, it says a lot about your character

And Douille bag. F off, were you trying to be funny about the French thing ? didn't work

I probably died more than I killed over there. I just like it cause it was lots of action, and good lace to gear up that's
Thanks Polini for the link

May 10 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
frenchy32 set Category to category:environment on T99971: NE airfield.
May 10 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
frenchy32 added a comment to T99884: Binoculars removed?.

yeah whats up with that?

May 10 2016, 11:02 PM · DayZ
frenchy32 edited Steps To Reproduce on T99873: Mosin defective.
May 10 2016, 11:01 PM · DayZ
frenchy32 added a comment to T99806: Handcuffs Are Serial Killers.

This is no bug.. it's part of the game buddy.. if you get unlucky enough to get handcuffed, you can't log into another server meet up a friend to uncuff you .. tough shit, you log out.. you die. Same as exiting a server while unconscious

Thanks Dev for implementing this

May 10 2016, 10:59 PM · DayZ
frenchy32 added a comment to T99728: pressed f to climb down a ladder, instead fell down and died.

HAHAHA, just happened to a friend last night right in front of me .. Im still laughing about it!!!!
Real bug tho, and sucks
My advice? stay away from ladder

May 10 2016, 10:56 PM · DayZ