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- User Since
- May 30 2014, 7:27 PM (564 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
fedaykin added a comment to T91756: Teleport into past locatoin and freeze.
It happens to me quite a lot lately. Every time running from one city in another in the wild.
fedaykin added a comment to T77376: aspiring kart racer - unachievable achievement.
Ooops, I did not know that you can speed up your kart to 100 kmph by holding down shift! Please disregard and close this report.
fedaykin edited Steps To Reproduce on T77375: speed demon achievement is unachievable.
fedaykin edited Steps To Reproduce on T77376: aspiring kart racer - unachievable achievement.
fedaykin added a comment to T77375: speed demon achievement is unachievable.
Ooops, I did not know that you can speed up your kart to 100 kmph by holding down shift! Please disregard and close this report.
Consider adding this important information to the game somehow.