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Dec 29 2013, 1:29 AM (583 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

emulax added a comment to T89151: Cant use items, open doors, vault or interact with anything.

This massive desync happens to me as well and I have a 60mb down 20mb up connection with all gigabit CAT6 cables/router/modem. Ping of 40ms or under for the servers I play on. What ports does DayZ Standalone use? To rule out port forwarding issues, I put my PC behind the DMZ of my router and disabled all windows firewalls and anti-virus firewalls. Same problem occurred as before. I also have a high end gaming rig so it shouldn't be something hardware related. Something odd I did notice though is that when I play DayZ and use skype, the skype call sometimes gets really garbled for long periods of time. As soon as I stop playing DayZ the skype call gets cleared right up. I can use skype and play any other game just fine. I can also do anything else (surfing the web, uploading/downloading of large files) just fine, speedtests come back perfect as usual.

I see people mention the backpack within a backpack thing though, which I have not done, but I HAVE swapped the same backpack for a different colored backpack (of the same size). In the vicinity window I dragged over all of my gear that was in my currently used backpack, and then dragged over the new backpack with all of my transferred gear to the player icon in the middle top section of the inventory page (when you hit tab key), and this essentially swapped the backpacks so that I was using the new one with all of my transferred gear and the old one I was using was now in the vicinity area of the inventory page. Maybe there is something there??

May 10 2016, 4:47 PM · DayZ