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Jun 26 2013, 5:14 AM (610 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

ekkuzakku added a comment to T69738: Can see ACO/CCO/Red Dot sight artificial collimation/parallax thingy.

@machineabuse, it's happened to me across two different monitors, one less bright than the other (but both still cranked up to max brightness lol), and it was noticeable on both. It's also not noticeable in most situations, the lighting in game has to be just right, and even then it's only visible due to moving around while aiming at the sky; standing still staring at the sky makes it a bit harder to see (since your eyes just blend it in to the sky).

I also thought it was a clever way to simulate the reticule being much further out with parallax, props to the devs for doing that to give us an amazing sim!

Lastly, thanks for the suggestion! I shall add that to the title; however, collimation is still a good term for it, even if it's not specified as a collimator sight. The light has to travel in a straight line for it to reach your eyes with an apparently distant parallax, whether it simulates it by reflecting it several times, or by actually collimating the light, so it still matches the definition. Besides, I'm sure with the devs seeing "parallax" and "red dot sight" in the same title, they'd still get the picture.

May 10 2016, 4:46 AM · Arma 3
ekkuzakku added a comment to T69738: Can see ACO/CCO/Red Dot sight artificial collimation/parallax thingy.

One sec, let me make a false color image or something so it can be seen better.

May 10 2016, 4:46 AM · Arma 3
ekkuzakku edited Steps To Reproduce on T69738: Can see ACO/CCO/Red Dot sight artificial collimation/parallax thingy.
May 10 2016, 4:46 AM · Arma 3