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Jan 26 2014, 2:18 AM (581 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

edco added a comment to T93766: Spray Paint - painting Mosin causes it to disappear.

Confirmed this behavior as of 26/01/2014.
Applied black pain on mosin on the 3rd floor of an industry building. The mosin disappeared. The mosin had the compressor, PU scope, and bayonet. It was later located 10-15 meters north of my location but was floating in the air. Had to stand directly under it to retrieve the rifle.
I believe the act of the game spawning the newly painted gun which is supposed to be now located at your feet, is now spawning the gun 10-15 meters north of your location. I haven't tested it because i don't have any more paint.

May 10 2016, 7:29 PM · DayZ
edco added a comment to T93766: Spray Paint - painting Mosin causes it to disappear.

Okay, found another mosin. I still had the one i painted black. removed all the attachments and removed the chambered bullet (had the mosin glitch). Painted it green and it did not leave my inventory ( now cammo). Well i don't have any more paint to try on the new mosin. Need try to paint the new mosin with no attachments or bullets to see if that reproduces the bug.

May 10 2016, 7:29 PM · DayZ