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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 4:52 AM (625 w, 4 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
derrickkolba added a comment to T61451: Posibility to turn of monitors and MFD's from the vehicles.
this option may also be needed to keep performance stable on some systems.
derrickkolba added a comment to T61425: Hand grenades explodeing 6 inches from a players face does not kill them.
derrickkolba added a comment to T61410: Grenades/explosives do damage through all cover.
derrickkolba added a comment to T61399: "Z" to lower helicopter has not enough effect, "X,C" for cycling has the same problem..
i agree too .
derrickkolba edited Steps To Reproduce on T61179: free fall physics.
derrickkolba added a comment to T61179: free fall physics.
yes skydiving
derrickkolba edited Steps To Reproduce on T60972: grenades under water too much damage.
derrickkolba added a comment to T60969: water lighting wrong.
correction- only apply s to times of day where there would be a bright sun.
derrickkolba edited Steps To Reproduce on T60969: water lighting wrong.