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User Since
Dec 28 2013, 7:50 AM (585 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

dar10162 added a comment to T92439: Trampled Grass Does Not Stay Down.

personally i think this is a good thing so snipers cant just sit around and over watch an area with out moving at all and on the flip side if you trampled to much and make yourself obvious it will pop back up and i guess i cant say iv had it as bad as you though bc for me it stayed down for a good 10 mins before popping back up

May 10 2016, 6:39 PM · DayZ
dar10162 added a comment to T90808: items will despawn.

the first floor i even did the thing were you glitch thou the floor and walls for a second wen you first log in and didn't see it

May 10 2016, 5:45 PM · DayZ
dar10162 set Category to category:items on T90808: items will despawn.
May 10 2016, 5:45 PM · DayZ