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- User Since
- Jun 28 2020, 1:17 AM (247 w, 3 d)
Dec 7 2020
So far can't cause the freeze but a new error has occurred once I got to this point of mods specifically after adding VPPAdminTools
"-mod=@CF;@VPPAdminTools;@UniversalApi;@Community-Online-Tools;@DayZ-Expansion;@DayZ-Expansion-Core;@DayZ-Expansion-Licensed;@DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles;@Trader;@Namalsk Survival;@MasssManyItemOverhaul;@CannabisPlus;@MuchStuffPack;@P2PTrader;@ECLE Expermental;@CarCover;@Metallurgy&Forging;@HaB Experimental;@Basic Map;@MuchCarKey;@GasMaskAddons;@FarmingPlus+;@BaseBuildingPlus;@Code Lock;@RadZone;"
Dec 4 2020
@Geez So it seems that some stuff is fixed all my test mods that could cause the freeze on their own don't anymore so that's good, and combining those with larger mods(*cough* *cough* expansion) they work fine but I am still getting some mod combinations that are causing the freeze I am working on gathering the smallest number of mod combinations so I can report them here :)
Nov 25 2020
Geez You don't need 48 mods to replicate anymore you should be able to replicate it with just this one mod attached.
This mod contains just over 1400 Classes in 4_world all using the JSONFileLoader I am going to continue to test and narrow down or find more things that cause the freeze. But moving all these classes to 3_Game doesn't cause the freeze.
Nov 20 2020
Also Geez just so you know cause I have done a lot to work on this an some of all the information is scattered a quick overview of my findings
Sep 9 2020
Also, update for anyone following this ticket and for more information for BI
Aug 26 2020
Just because I want to maybe provide as much information as possible I uploaded the dump files for the DayZ Server Files three files exist in the link as well as attached the EXE to vs code debugging to try and get anything at all.
StartUpCommand_BadFreeze.txt The startup script with the mods that get the server to freeze
Aug 6 2020
As a note, some mods have been updated since this was posted so the reproducibility might not be able to be done exactly as shown