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User Since
May 19 2017, 7:01 AM (407 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 20 2017

crazyhorseau added a comment to T124876: Koth issues GPS is useless (both of them).

Yeh GPS in part of the game overall. It was fine til the jets dlc with I don't even play. I only play hardcore infantry. So makes GPS redundant now and game frustrating. It needs team members shown on it again and zone, and spawn indicator and zone. Which is missing now.

May 20 2017, 5:17 AM · Arma 3

May 19 2017

crazyhorseau updated the task description for T124876: Koth issues GPS is useless (both of them).
May 19 2017, 2:05 PM · Arma 3
crazyhorseau renamed T124876: Koth issues GPS is useless (both of them) from Koth issues. to Koth issues GPS is useless (both of them).
May 19 2017, 2:04 PM · Arma 3
crazyhorseau created T124876: Koth issues GPS is useless (both of them).
May 19 2017, 7:15 AM · Arma 3