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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 6:13 PM (627 w, 2 h)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
cory590 added a comment to T61610: impossibility to look back (camera rotation issue).
The invisible walls on the weapon only happen for me im looking down the sights, and hold alt to look around, and i thought it was suppose to be like enabling deadzone or what ever that shit is.
cory590 added a comment to T61579: Able to go prone on Quadbike.
Its just a visual bug like everyone being dead/asleep in vehicles
cory590 edited Steps To Reproduce on T58561: Helicopter cyclic forwards permanently bound to "E".
cory590 added a comment to T58561: Helicopter cyclic forwards permanently bound to "E".
Cheers ill give it ago.