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- User Since
- Apr 13 2014, 10:19 PM (569 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
colonel_cranc added a comment to T82304: MI-290 Taru Loadmaster functionality.
yes, i know, but i just wanted to refresh that tought again ^^
colonel_cranc edited Steps To Reproduce on T82304: MI-290 Taru Loadmaster functionality.
colonel_cranc added a comment to T80732: Cannot raise/lower weapon in v 1.38.
i have a fix for this problem. when you use AGM, you have to remap/reset in the AGM-settings the keybind for "Modificator" and "show names"
colonel_cranc edited Steps To Reproduce on T80603: Ponds in ArmA 3.
colonel_cranc added a comment to T78419: New Fatigue settings or how to make all the players happy..
well, a simple solution is, dont sprint all the time, i want you to see, how you sprint 100 meters with 30-40 kg of equipment with you.
colonel_cranc edited Steps To Reproduce on T76836: Runway underground glitch.
colonel_cranc edited Steps To Reproduce on T76796: Kiosk water scan bug.
colonel_cranc edited Steps To Reproduce on T76781: destroyed crane looks strange.
colonel_cranc edited Steps To Reproduce on T76762: Orca Pilot death bug.