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- User Since
- Feb 25 2015, 6:25 AM (523 w, 1 d)
Oct 20 2023
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Apr 26 2020
Apr 26 2020
cervantes added a comment to T150568: physx submarine scripting troubls..
finally that works i have just writing bad script ;)
Apr 25 2020
Apr 25 2020
Aug 25 2019
Aug 25 2019
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
cervantes added a comment to T85920: mod stuck by engine bugs..
after one new intensive brainstorming i have observed more troobls during the night mission.
if velocity troobls is buged a night and day afect also a velocity of object and create more troobls during the night.
cervantes set Category to category:engine on T85920: mod stuck by engine bugs..
cervantes added a comment to T81200: arma3 engine c'ant working underwater explosions dammages.
problem solved, arma3 engine can simulate a shotshell simulation underwater.
for this i have creating a submammo with shotshell simulation.
class CfgAmmo
class SubmunitionBase;
class Submunitionshell: SubmunitionBase
simulation = "shotShell"; explosive = 1; explosionTime = 0.2; explosionForceCoef = "0"; simulationStep = 0.05; timeToLive = 20; typicalSpeed=800; cost = 1000; soundHit[] = {"",316.22775,1}; soundFly[] = {"",0.031622775,4}; indirectHitRange = 8; visibleFire = 16; audibleFire = 16; visibleFireTime = 10; submunitionConeAngle = 0; submunitionCount = 1; submunitionAmmo = "shellBase";
class Sh_SG : Submunitionshell
visibleFireTime=10; submunitionAmmo = "Submunitionshell"; hit=10;indirectHit=5;indirectHitRange=8; typicalSpeed=800; explosive=1; explosionTime = 0.2; cost = 50; model = ""; timeToLive=15; explosionEffectsRadius = 38; soundHit1[]={\Depth_charge\Depth.wav,db12,1}; soundHit2[]={\Depth_charge\Depth2.wav,db12,1}; multiSoundHit[] = {"soundHit1",0.2,"soundHit2",0.2}; explosionEffects = "MineUnderwaterExplosion";
creating in script
_sh ="Sh_SG" createVehicle (getPos _bomb);
cervantes edited Steps To Reproduce on T81200: arma3 engine c'ant working underwater explosions dammages.