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Dec 6 2013, 4:37 AM (586 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

cameroon added a comment to T83334: getVariable on a task does not return previously assigned value.

I believe you that it doesn't work in A2, but I only built the mission in A3 - after one of the game mode updates. The one where the AI could request transport after the helicopters DLC.

I was flying the mission with no errors and with everything working in the scripts, otherwise I wouldn't have come to report it.

When I'm back at a computer with some time I'll see if I can find the note that you can setVar/getVar on tasks, but ultimately its broken now/still and should be fixed.

May 10 2016, 11:34 AM · Arma 3
cameroon added a comment to T83334: getVariable on a task does not return previously assigned value.

I was actively using it in an Arma 3 mission where it was working. That was in 2014 at some point, not sure exactly when because I've been away from A3 for awhile.

I'm pretty sure I even remember reading a note at some point about getVar/setVar being added for tasks, though I can't remember where.

May 10 2016, 11:34 AM · Arma 3
cameroon added a comment to T83334: getVariable on a task does not return previously assigned value.

Ok, that's true the wiki doesn't say that getVariable against a task supports a default value, though it did work that way before.

But even using only the syntax that the wiki has, it's still broken:

testTask = player createSimpletask ["Test Task"];
testTask setVariable ["Test",1];
diag_log format["%1: %2",time,(testTask getVariable "Test")];

Output is as follows:

"7.904: <null>"


I'll update the Steps to Reproduce to use syntax the wiki says should work

May 10 2016, 11:34 AM · Arma 3
cameroon edited Steps To Reproduce on T83334: getVariable on a task does not return previously assigned value.
May 10 2016, 11:34 AM · Arma 3
cameroon added a comment to T74802: TR UNLOAD and synchronizeWaypoint breaks with scripted group and waypoint creation.

Updated to fix a typo

May 10 2016, 7:20 AM · Arma 3
cameroon added a comment to T74802: TR UNLOAD and synchronizeWaypoint breaks with scripted group and waypoint creation.

I have discovered a method that _does_ seem to work. I wanted my transport helis to land in two separate places but be part of the same flight in. Storing a reference to an original "editor created" group during unit init and then using that stored group reference later seems allow TR UNLOAD to work. It's convoluted but reinforces my suspicion that createGroup is missing something.

  1. Create transport helicopters in individual groups in the editor
  2. In the transport unit's init block: transportGroupBravo = group transportBravo;{_x moveInCargo} forEach (units (group infantryLeader)); [transportBravo] joinSilent (group transportUnitAlpha);

Then, when you want to break transportBravo off, this seems to work as expected:
[transportBravo] joinGroup transportGroupBravo;
// assign waypoint with TR UNLOAD and use synchronizeWaypoint to their cargo's waypoint

May 10 2016, 7:20 AM · Arma 3
cameroon edited Steps To Reproduce on T74802: TR UNLOAD and synchronizeWaypoint breaks with scripted group and waypoint creation.
May 10 2016, 7:20 AM · Arma 3