Joining a helicopter to a script-created group will cause synchronized TR UNLOAD / GETOUT waypoints to never complete. {F22888}
- Legacy ID
- 1557791946
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- AI Control / Commanding
In a script being called upon a waypoint activation:
- Create a new group
- Join the helicopter to the group
- Add waypoint of type TR UNLOAD
- Use synchronizeWaypoint to attach it to the GETOUT waypoint of its troop cargo
The heli will go to the TR UNLOAD waypoint and hover indefinitely.
This might seem like a convoluted scenario, but I am working on a scenario where escort helis split off and provided area security during the landing. Initially I split the transport helis into a new group, which is where I discovered this bug.
It makes absolutely no sense to me, unless something that synchronizeWaypoint depends on does not get properly set up when groups are created in scripts.
Event Timeline
I have discovered a method that _does_ seem to work. I wanted my transport helis to land in two separate places but be part of the same flight in. Storing a reference to an original "editor created" group during unit init and then using that stored group reference later seems allow TR UNLOAD to work. It's convoluted but reinforces my suspicion that createGroup is missing something.
- Create transport helicopters in individual groups in the editor
- In the transport unit's init block: transportGroupBravo = group transportBravo;{_x moveInCargo} forEach (units (group infantryLeader)); [transportBravo] joinSilent (group transportUnitAlpha);
Then, when you want to break transportBravo off, this seems to work as expected:
[transportBravo] joinGroup transportGroupBravo;
// assign waypoint with TR UNLOAD and use synchronizeWaypoint to their cargo's waypoint