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- User Since
- Mar 21 2014, 6:46 PM (573 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
calixus added a comment to T99688: Weapon sway / availability.
Not helpfull anyways ... better to vote up the existing reports to the topic.
calixus added a comment to T99643: Binoculars spawn.
I also haven't seen a single one...
calixus added a comment to T99521: "DayZ stopped working".
Done both :)
Give people a chance to create the .rar file :)
calixus edited Steps To Reproduce on T99521: "DayZ stopped working".
calixus added a comment to T96485: Way too much Zombies.
Less? More is the word! In Cities, I expect HORDES, simply because not all the onhabitants simply vanished. Btw: I want more corpses! And rotten by that.
calixus edited Steps To Reproduce on T96452: Rain sets you to soaking wet in a flash.
calixus added a comment to T96381: Bug on dead bodies.
I had the same, but I guess that this happened after 10 minutes, when the body vanishes. The actual bug seems to be that the player can still see his last corpse.
calixus added a comment to T96363: After Update to .42 (steam) game is unplayable (Multible bugs).
I experience the same probs and I saw the pattern every time the rain started or stopped. From that moment on, I had no inventory control (weapon-change, accessing items in there) for about 1-2 minutes. So my guess would be on the side of the weather-system.