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User Since
Nov 13 2013, 7:33 AM (590 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

blackgoofguy edited Steps To Reproduce on T89258: Building Alignment mismatch.
May 10 2016, 4:51 PM · DayZ
blackgoofguy added a comment to T81313: No InGame mouse movements since 1.40.

I too am having the same problem, using Logitech G400. I can navigate every menu with no issues but when I login and start multiplayer into my group's server I cannot move my character with my mouse. I can shoot, aim down the sights and zoom in but no matter how much I move my mouse. My character will not turn.

Tried it with defaulting controls, revalidating arma 3 and turning off the logitech software.

All with no avail.

May 10 2016, 10:27 AM · Arma 3