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- User Since
- Feb 4 2014, 11:52 AM (577 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
bats13 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95150: dropped items trough the floor.
bats13 edited Steps To Reproduce on T94689: Empty magnum ammo to inventory and magnum bullets in inventory disappear.
bats13 set Category to category:sound on T94584: footsteps too loud.
bats13 set Category to category:characters on T94583: 1 shot brokenleg.
bats13 added a comment to T94578: Weapons are duplicated when logging out.
yeah i can confirm this one! i did it 5 times aswell as my friends.. everytime the primary weapon in your hand duplicates (the one on your back stays there)
I think this is also one of the bugs that causes the major FPS drops and lagg spikes!
bats13 set Category to category:weapons on T94517: Cant paint whole M4.
bats13 added a comment to T93286: Game freeze after 5 min.
I got the same problem I think!
My game crashes even when entering the server!
My guess is that it has to do with the duplicating items when you are dead or logging off! what causes some kind of crashes!
I had it on a sever where there were duplicated items from logging off and on!
when i joined different server it was fine i had no crashes anymore!