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- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 3:49 AM (585 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
you can read my earlier posts for the solution that I have adopted.
since then, I have renewed my VPN for 1 year for like 50 bucks instead of 10 a month.
I get an extra 20-30 ping when im using the VPN but there is little difference between having it on or not. oh and im at 490 hours of dayz standalone.. if that helps anyone decide to try a VPN
"Having the same issue and the clientport trick didn't work. Found that we were able to get into the same server if weren't in the vicinity of each other. "
I think this is the reason my room mate and I were able to play together for the first two days: we were nowhere near each other on the same server.
Using Pure VPN I have not had any issues. Having minimal knowledge about how this stuff works; I was able to figure it out. I normally use the dedicated IP that I paid an extra $2 for.
I have not tried the clientport solution that Kiloswiss posted.
A VPN has worked for us. PureVPN is who I went with.
I spent $10 for 1 month to try it out. $8 + $2 for a unique IP (though it may have not been necessary).
We have not had an issue since. I didnt change any router settings, I simply connect to the VPN then run Steam and DayZ. I can join the game he is in and he can join mine.
Also, I have not experienced lag with the VPN except for on 40 man servers, but I cant put the blame on the VPN there :)
I hope you all find a solution as well. The router we have is Linksys and the settings are default.