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Mar 11 2013, 6:15 PM (625 w, 19 h)

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May 9 2016

alex0000 added a comment to T60567: Add enhanced server browser features.

Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed :)

Suggestion regarding favourites:

  • Allow users to mark servers as favourites
  • Store favourites locally
  • Make it possible to, when clicking multiplayer, to load the FAVOURITES list first with cached values and allow for a manual (or automated if selected in options) refresh.
May 9 2016, 9:49 PM · Arma 3
alex0000 added a comment to T60567: Add enhanced server browser features.

I was under the impression that the server browser in ARMA3 would use a steam implementation and not the horrible one from Gamespy?

From the top of my head I'd like to see:

  • Favourites
  • Being able to filter better (think Wildcards)
  • An Exclusion filter as well (To remove Wasteland)
  • Having the stored list used as 'default' for polling ping instead of having to wait for master list updates every time I go to the MP list or change a filter
  • A working filter (Entering anything in ping times results in 0 results..)
May 9 2016, 9:49 PM · Arma 3