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Jun 27 2013, 10:36 PM (610 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

age1000 added a comment to T68961: flares in helicopters are not able to counter anti air missiles correctly.

yes I tested it out on the ghosthawk, and really you cant do anything about the incomming missle

May 10 2016, 4:14 AM · Arma 3
age1000 edited Steps To Reproduce on T68961: flares in helicopters are not able to counter anti air missiles correctly.
May 10 2016, 4:14 AM · Arma 3
age1000 added a comment to T68643: Helicopters drop when AA hits them.

also a good solution is to have a missle warning, and when you get that deploy your flares and the missle wont hit you.

May 10 2016, 4:02 AM · Arma 3