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- User Since
- Aug 28 2017, 9:41 AM (389 w, 6 d)
Jan 14 2021
Jan 13 2021
Everything appears to be fixed on v10. Thanks Dedmen.
Oct 24 2020
Would also be nice to have a method of detecting when a display is made with createDialog, as the first display in the createDialog display stack has no parent.
Oct 19 2020
Only the victim. With all messages blocked on the victim, other players still see the death message. Same with multiplayer messages. If all messages are blocked on the server, players still see multiplayer messages.
Oct 18 2020
Death messages are added to the chat feed for all players but the event only fires on the player who died.
16:34:43 [0,4,"","Connor was killed",<NULL-object>,"","-1",true,false,1,2] 16:36:12 [0,5,"","Connor (2) was killed by Connor (Friendly fire)",<NULL-object>,"","-1",true,false,1,2]
Oct 15 2020
I have found the other message types firing on the server, so the exact issue with all the remaining message types seems to be the event only fires where the message is "local".
Oct 13 2020
What does forcedDisplay and isPlayerMessage represent exactly? I see them as true and false respectively but cant seem to figure out what makes them switch.
I've just noticed this while testing one of my mods so I'll note it here for the record:
Oct 9 2020
Just tested the latest RC with the new changes. Thanks for the additional arguments.
Oct 8 2020
Thanks for pushing a fix to RC, the game-breaking issues are now solved.
Aug 25 2020
Appears to work perfectly. Thanks :)
With no event handler added, my messages always say "Der Chat wurde deaktiviert, deine Nachricht wurde nicht gesendet." in the chat feed, even though I'm not typing that. Also it doesn't broadcast the message but that makes sense if it were actually disabled.
With the event handler added and returning nil or false, same result as above.
With the event handler added and returning true, it changes the message to that sentence above and doesn't print anything in chat, so the blocking of messages does work correctly.
Jul 7 2020
That should be fine.
Jun 15 2020
May 11 2020
May 6 2020
May 1 2020
Sep 25 2017
Does this happen with other data types as well or just arrays?