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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 12:59 PM (587 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I realise that there are First Person only servers now. I´m very happy that these came up, i´m not sure if it was because I put up this thread. But atleast they are there now. So let´s enjoy them, or not. Your choice.
That's the whole point, look OVER obstacles.. you can't do that IRL. So we should't be able to do it in game either. Also nowadays you're forced to play 3rd person since otherwise you would have a really big disadvantage versus other players. Therefor we need 1st person only servers.
It's nice to read that more ppl agree with me on this topic. Also for all the ppl who cry 'no bug herpderp..' Feedback doesn't mean you should post bugs here, please just don't post at all if you have nothing usefull to say.
I also can agree with 'TheUltraViolence', sometimes first person can be painful, but maybe that's because we are getting used to Third Person view. If you search a house or something, most of you problably use first person than. So its not completely FULL third person.
I hope this will get enough attention and that we will see first person only servers soon enough :D
I quote 'DeadlyDanDaMan' : "DeadlyDanDaMan: Please read the URL of this website. Note the first word: feedback." It doesn't have to be a bug.
I also can agree with 'i'm orange' since he states that Third Person gives you a FAR wider view than First person. I never stated they should remove Third person, but give ppl the oppertunity to play First Person only.
I think First Person gives a better experience, since you have to look around more and stuff. And you can't look 'over' fences while standing next to them. That actually makes no sense if you ask me.
I think it should be first person only. I agree with Andy that everyone can do it. But you have to agree it takes some of the experience away. You can always sneakpeek corners and stuff without have to walk around it and stuff..
But also agree with Nightinggale, can't force ppl to play first person. So thats why there should be First Person Only servers. just like Day Only servers ;)