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- User Since
- Aug 16 2014, 9:53 PM (550 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
Done that, default character on all of them. Character was reset.
That is messed up :/ No FENS that has not happened to me...YET. Only just lost all my characters 3 times, but my settings have stayed the same.
But I have only been playing or 18-19 hours (I'm very new) as I don't have any friends playing this game so I don't know what servers and that I can trust without loosing my crap, just going to have to keep playing until I find 2-3 servers that are 100% reliable.
And that has happened to be the last 6 time I have spawned, straight away having to constantly just run and run and run, just to get rid of the zombies, then I end up in middle of no where. Least let us start with a bandage and a weapon. :(
That's so's so wrong, this should be at the top of their priority list :/ I can't play it now, I've respawned since and every time I spawn I start literally right next to 1/2 zombies which just kill me instantly.
Have lost hope with this game already, do not think I'll be playing it again anytime soon...Just so many little issues that have been around since the start of the game and no one has addressed and fixed them...
It's a fix!
If any of you want to play together add me;
It's so wrong...Bet we will be waiting weeks for a fix. Their too busy implementing fishing. :|
They need to make a 'Save character' action or at least allow users to save their characters to cloud, not just saving the character by the server. History in games says that NEVER works out well.
Need a save character option or allow the game to save characters to cloud for them to be able to back up. If you die fair-play you lose your stuff, but for a server to kick you out and you lose all your gear after tons of effort and time, that is nonsensical and just plain bad design.
This happened to me too...
The server was not responding 'no message received' in red writing, so the server kicked me. I went to rejoin it but it was full so I had to choose another server, when I went on it said my character has been reset and an admin has been notified.