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- User Since
- Dec 7 2014, 3:28 PM (532 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
YarwoodUK edited Steps To Reproduce on T80557: Refresh Rate reverts to 60 when game crashes..
YarwoodUK added a comment to T80319: Poor Server Performance running on Windows Virtual Machine.
This is the vCPU usage reported by XenServer.
The left side prior to the drop is running 128579. The right side is running "arma3server_performance_136v1"
After 90 minutes server uptime with 50 players, we were seeing 20fps.
After 90 minutes server uptime with 63 players, we see 23 FPS with 75% CPU usage reported by Windows (running arma3server_performance_136v1)
There's definitely an improvement to server fps in "arma3server_performance_136v1" however still not as much as we'd like.
YarwoodUK added a comment to T80319: Poor Server Performance running on Windows Virtual Machine.
We'll test the latest performance files tonight and report back. Thanks.
YarwoodUK edited Steps To Reproduce on T80319: Poor Server Performance running on Windows Virtual Machine.
YarwoodUK added a comment to T75441: Fatigue does not regenerate while in a vehicle.
Please ensure that the fatigue does not "reset" as soon as you enter a vehicle (like it did in ARMA 2) as this will allow players to abuse the feature.