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- User Since
- Jun 23 2016, 3:55 PM (454 w, 5 d)
Jun 23 2016
Jun 23 2016
Xstract added a comment to T118620: Vehicles Not Persistent(After Hotfix).
Three nights ago we found a offroad on the EU server ( in this location on the map (21.45/55.01, just west of Lopatino), it was only missing 3 wheels. It was late so we decided we would leave it and fix it the next day, but the next day when we returned it was gone and we figured someone had taken it. I was there again last night (23/06) and the car was back missing the exact same parts, i went to my camp for around an hour and returned to it being gone again and there was only one other player on the server at the time. It seems like this car dissapears/shows up all the time just randomly.