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User Since
Dec 18 2013, 8:47 AM (585 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

Wheem added a comment to T88341: Flashlight still emits light after it is turned off.

I'm the one in the screenshot, and I noticed this effect from the OP's flashlight before - it's quite noticeable as long as the player holds the flashlight in their hands after turning it on. This bug does not seem to affect the headlamps in the game, and we've not been able to test weapon flashlights yet.

May 10 2016, 4:17 PM · DayZ
Wheem added a comment to T86968: Reloading without inventory space destroys clip/magazine.

Had the same thing happen when switching from a 15'ish/20 M4 mag to a 10/10 one.

May 10 2016, 3:10 PM · DayZ