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User Since
Dec 19 2013, 6:24 AM (587 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Webdux added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

Also having problem:

System Specs:
Windows 7 64-bit
2GB DDR3 HD Radeon 7750
I have 8GB of RAM
Using a 256GB SSD

What caused problematic behavior:
I would play for a few hours. Collect gear. Most common reason for logging off was losing a connection with game server. I would exit and connect to diff server. Character was correct but gear was gone and I spawned on coast. I've tried reconnecting to same server but still spawns me on coast with no gear.

Hope I provided enough info for devs to understand issue.

May 10 2016, 7:07 PM · DayZ
Webdux added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

Also having problem:

System Specs:
Windows 7 64-bit
2GB DDR3 HD Radeon 7750
I have 8GB of RAM
Using a 256GB SSD

What caused problematic behavior:
I would play for a few hours. Collect gear. Most common reason for logging off was losing a connection with game server. I would exit and connect to diff server. Character was correct but gear was gone and I spawned on coast. I've tried reconnecting to same server but still spawns me on coast with no gear.

Hope I provided enough info for devs to understand issue.

May 10 2016, 1:19 PM · DayZ