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User Since
Feb 4 2014, 1:14 AM (581 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Vorian added a comment to T90286: Unrealistic Loot, takes away from immersion..

That's not a school. That's an office.

May 10 2016, 5:27 PM · DayZ
Vorian added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].


I ran and looted my way to NWAF for 3 hours only to die without a zombie/player for miles away. Or I didn't die and something else happened, I dunno. I lagged, reconnected and it was all gone.

May 10 2016, 1:30 PM · DayZ
Vorian added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].


My fully geared character near Elektro just got wiped.

I am fine with all other glitches and shit but disappearing characters without any explanation whatsoever does not fly with me. I'll stop playing until this is fixed.

May 10 2016, 1:27 PM · DayZ