User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 1:02 PM (588 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
VanHaaren set Category to category:weapons on T88249: Wepon attatchments don't work!.
VanHaaren set Category to category:items on T88230: Loot spawn.
VanHaaren set Category to category:aibehavior on T88229: Zombie glitches/bugs.
VanHaaren set Category to category:animations on T88228: Animation for going into prone.
VanHaaren set Category to category:animations on T88225: Using Hotbar to equip items into hands/putting them away.
VanHaaren set Category to category:weapons on T88221: Firing Wepons.
VanHaaren added a comment to T88211: Emptying ammo clips on ground destroys ammo.
Make sure it is in your inventory first before emptying or splitting the mag, if you do it on the ground only the bullets will despawn/destroy and the mag wont.