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- User Since
- Jun 30 2017, 8:06 PM (401 w, 4 d)
Aug 22 2018
Jan 31 2018
Lastest Version 1.8.144133 this tiny bug with a unfairly benefit isn't fixed ;)
Nov 15 2017
Incidentally, the problem is still not resolved.
Was just killed after the Spawn on Larche if I running outsite of the back side from the Main Base. But what am I writing this here, nothing is happening anyway.
Sep 25 2017
Sep 21 2017
Sep 13 2017
Yes - no changes :(
My last changes in the skill tree was the "Scopes 1".
So a lower position than before ...
Sep 12 2017
You know, this is the ARGO Forum ;)
Sep 11 2017
Aug 23 2017
I think, this message is produced by a invalid path to cologne2017_argo.fbo file.
When i remove the cologne2017 Directory and i'm restart the argoserver.
The dedicated server will start but i can not join.
Error Message Maximum Player count has been reached.
My Settings e.g. Type and Mission will also not Correctly displayed in the Client Server Browser.
Aug 22 2017
Aug 6 2017
Then I try to explain differently with my bad English, why so many players leave the game during a game. If in the opponent team is 1-2 players and more with + 20 level exists, you can not move. Because then the time limit is your opponent. They only need to protect the flag and the airdrop and the enemy can do nothing. Because these are instantly dead with a shot. And that makes the game broken because no one has inclination to be killed immediately by the enemy. If these players see that they do not have a chance they just go frustrated out and you stand alone. And you don't get enough points anymore, so you can not approach it.
And as far as communication is concerned. Since the last update, their have taken the public servers from the server list. This makes joining with friends almost impossible. Also, the filtering of maps you don't want to play does not work. e.g. Houdon is a absolute sniper map. But the actual problem, the subsequently joining of high level players in high level groups, which should be solved not solved!
But it's so simple to fix the lobby behaviour.
- Make Player Levels Visible which currently not joined to a group.
- Calculate the AVG from the Groups. If a high level player subsequently would join in a high group reject it.
- If player selected and accept his group, they cannot move in the last 5-10 seconds in to other groups. (fake selection protect)
- If player selected and didn't accept his group. And his residence time is greater then half of the counter, auto commit his selection. (fake selection protect)
This described behavior should only be necessary on public servers.
It’s not necessary on premium servers.
Aug 5 2017
Supplement to keep the theme alive!
Question: What can a player below level 16 against over level 20+ player with vest and MK18 doing?
Answer: Nothing - he is instant with one shoot dead.
Aug 3 2017
Too late, do not want to keep more than canon feed
Aug 2 2017
Jul 21 2017
Not this Spawn Bug, we already know this. We saw some players who moved very fast over the map. And this in the middle of the game. Unfortunately we have no video record.
Jul 20 2017
Jul 18 2017
HI, I can only report it at this point. I have heard it elsewhere from friends, but not exactly reproduced.
You know, that you can buy anything but only can use Items that has been enabled in the skill tree?
To limit the problem. It seems to be due to the entries. I can buy other items in the group but with the selected silencers on the screenshot, the prices do not agree.
I guess times that the indexes of the entries are not correct and the error message is misleading.
Jul 14 2017
Jul 8 2017
Jul 1 2017
I know this, but i have seen it in the starting circle. I asked this player via whois chat and he logged out.