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- User Since
- Dec 30 2013, 4:09 PM (584 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
TwisterBE set Category to category:structures on T92428: Invisible truck near balota military camp.
TwisterBE updated subscribers of T91626: Logging out on wrecked cargo ship can get you stuck.
@guest above me.
You can get out by keep tapping the forward key while the game is loading. Thats how I got unstuck.
TwisterBE edited Steps To Reproduce on T91626: Logging out on wrecked cargo ship can get you stuck.
TwisterBE added a comment to T87500: Handcuff key disappears after one time use..
Sometimes you also need to relog to get released. Even after seeing the released message.