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- User Since
- Dec 5 2016, 9:37 AM (430 w, 19 h)
Jan 9 2017
Jan 9 2017
Truckster added a comment to T121870: Launcher crashes with almost all functions.
It's been a month since I reported my problem and still getting no additional help or advice to get this fixed.
Is it supposed to go like this or am I the one losing patience?
Can't even try your shiny new 64-bit executables since I cannot access params panel.
Dec 6 2016
Dec 6 2016
Truckster added a comment to T121870: Launcher crashes with almost all functions.
It has been always like this since I bought this game,
so the 'symptoms' started on 2016-11-24, even with the first run.
Truckster updated the task description for T121870: Launcher crashes with almost all functions.