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- User Since
- May 13 2022, 11:05 AM (144 w, 2 d)
May 28 2022
May 28 2022
Toakev added a comment to T164711: Staying in vehicles doesn't prevent character and objects in it's clothes from getting wet while raining. (V 1.17).
I don't know why this is categorized as "Feature Request". The described problem doesn't exist in v1.16. You (and all things you have in your bags) stayed dry when you sit in a fully assembled car while it was raining. Even when it wasn't ok in v1.16, things getting wet inside drybacks only because you are sitting in a car is not a feature, its a bug.
May 13 2022
May 13 2022
Toakev added a comment to T164711: Staying in vehicles doesn't prevent character and objects in it's clothes from getting wet while raining. (V 1.17).
Tested this today (again) on a local server (no mods) and can confirm this bug. client and server both latest version for pc (steam).