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- User Since
- Apr 19 2014, 9:35 PM (568 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97251: get no information about the book 'Dracula'.
Timberbrook set Category to category:characters on T97250: character allowed to sleep for regeneration.
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97249: FNX45: no limit when loading with .45ACP rounds - no display of ammo state.
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97248: SKS description not completely visible.
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97247: backpack in backpack only via double-click.
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97246: description M4A1 shows no info about ammo.
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97245: nested inventory - no text in the popping up options.
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97243: problems with small steps while crawling.
Timberbrook edited Steps To Reproduce on T97239: hard hat can't be colored.
Timberbrook added a comment to T88405: cant kill a rabbit.
Hmm.. will there any meat be left at all if you shoot the bunny with that weapon / amount of bullets ?
Timberbrook added a comment to T87300: Difficult to pick up objects.
The same happens in the ship wrack. In the small cabins sometimes there are boots on one of the cupboards and you cant get near enough to fetch them. No matter which method you use (tab or mouse pointer).
Timberbrook added a comment to T86657: Flashlight Unequiped.
Happens also with every weappon held in hand before climbing the ladder.
Maybe the weappon should be restored automatically so that it is held again in the hand.