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User Details
- User Since
- Jun 7 2014, 1:49 PM (560 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
TheSZIMRE edited Steps To Reproduce on T103348: Game crashes after switching to different window.
TheSZIMRE edited Steps To Reproduce on T103347: Disappearing Arms /w Gorka Jacket.
TheSZIMRE added a comment to T103346: NEAF New Hangar Glitch.
(Note: the new hangar has no collider, won't break the control tower)
TheSZIMRE edited Steps To Reproduce on T103346: NEAF New Hangar Glitch.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
TheSZIMRE edited Steps To Reproduce on T98889: My character got stuck under a house after server restart.
TheSZIMRE added a comment to T86644: Jumping is very unresponsive.
I've an open issue because my character got stuck under a house, in the first weeks of the game this wall glitch was common and i heard that people can jump out but while you're inside a buliding, or at least under it, you can't jump or step over. Not sure if this belongs here or not...