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Aug 6 2013, 4:18 AM (604 w, 9 h)

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May 9 2016

Tex8492 added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

Kb/M elitist who think controllers have no part in an fps on pc and they think we are at extreme disadvantage for trying to use a controller. They forget the 2 things at hand here.1. it is my choice on whether or not to use one and 2 there are people on here who have disabilities that prevent them from using a Kb/M.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
Tex8492 added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

What I want to know is why the moderators have this labeled as a minor problem / low priority?

I along with others refuse to play the game without proper controller support. I made the mistake of buying the alpha version back in the middle of 2013. If a expansion pack came out today I would not buy it. as of right now I have 40hrs played in Arma 3 most of which are trying to fix the controller issues myself. In Arma 2 oa I have 150 hrs played. Devs & moderators do you see a problem? Of course not you got your money already. Btw why the **** are improper swaying tree trunks labeled as high priority / major problem ???????????

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
Tex8492 added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

Not gonna happen as long has this issue stays as a low priority. All the patching has been taking care of are "major" issues so far. Doesn't help that like any game's patching efforts every time a patch releases a new "major" issue crops up.

That being said I wish they would fix it. As of right now I can't fly jets or attack helos because of this. Idk about anybody else but the jet fails to even start while using a controller.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
Tex8492 added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

Almost a year later still no fix. This is why I am still playing arma 2 :OA. Thanks for nothing Bohemia dev team.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3