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- User Since
- Jul 12 2014, 5:11 AM (556 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Taz added a comment to T108477: Problem with graphics.
Ive got the same problem. I tried changeing few video options it fix it for 2-3 mins then textures gets ugly again...I can't play
Taz set Category to category:items on T105930: fireaxe cannot be painted?.
Taz edited Additional Information on T103837: rain + scope.
Taz edited Additional Information on T103836: falling from balcony.
Taz added a comment to T102706: Character Reset after server restart.
I found out that many time it happen when you try to relog too fast on the same server ... I might have been Lucky sometime but happened often to me aswell... but not everytime trying to reproduce that event to have better knowledge about that situation
Taz edited Additional Information on T102645: Many broken windows are bulletproof.
Taz added a comment to T102374: Glitches in berezino.
I was unable to reproduce the one crawling Under those steps of apartments
I'll work on the cheminey one to send you a video asap
Taz added a comment to T102374: Glitches in berezino.
Found that on youtube to show you some of these glitches
Taz set Category to category:glitchabuse on T102374: Glitches in berezino.
Taz added a comment to T101693: when throwing something you can't move for 3-5 sec.
when throwing a flashbang or a grenade you can't move wich is kinda annoying
Taz edited Steps To Reproduce on T101693: when throwing something you can't move for 3-5 sec.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Taz edited Steps To Reproduce on T101367: CR 527 MAGS.
Taz set Category to category:weapons on T100452: Scope gone mad.
Taz set Category to category:gamefreezes on T100451: Game seems to be freezing randomly.