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May 10 2016

Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

It does not require 60 fps, it is just recommended for your enjoyment.

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Well, this is not a bad try, but it is far from perfect. It does not do screen distortion, which is required for the Rift, unless you want to look everything strange in the game. And this is miles behind from a native support, where you have the HUD modded for the Rift as well. Basically what he did was using the Tridef 3D driver to make a stereo image of the game. Not to mention the non-existing head tracking. I am not going to pay extra cash for a fancy headtracking solution, when it is already inside the Rift (even if it's 3 DOF, it will be 6 DOF in the final product). For me, this video doesn't mean much. Arma 3 still needs native Oculus support.

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 becomes perhaps the first big title to include native Oculus support, stemming from the developers kit.
Google also shows interest, they are already using it for public demonstrations (see links below). Bohemia should keep up!

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Cmorosco: When using TrackIr, or if you press *, you already have independent head movement. The Oculus will not give you full body support, it is a HMD, but God knows what the future brings. Oculus is a huge step anyway.
The bigger change for the game would be the stereo rendering. There are two ways: the brute force double rendering, which obviously uses a lot of resources, or the z-buffer method, which uses approx. 10% more resources, than playing the 'normally'. The HUD doesn't have to removed, just rendered in two different positions for the two eyes, so it will be nicely overlayed inside the Oculus. This is one of the thing why we need Bohemia to support the Rift, because it is not likely, that someone can mod that in later in the future. Oculus Rift is the logical extension of the road where Arma cames down, and it is the perfect step-up from TrackIr.
Just be careful with that helicopter, because if you eat too much before playing, you might feel like that your lunch wants to come out, if using the Oculus Rift and flying with a helo(just like in real life)! :)

Acesential: I ordered mine, currently on waiting list with 50552 (which probably means around 20 200 something), hopefully get it before the summer ends. :)

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

A 3D monitor is a complete different thing. There you see a 3D image projected on a flat screen in front of you. With Oculus, your whole field of vision is covered with the picture (at least around 110 degrees now, but that is also going to improve in the retail version), and with the headtracking built in, it will follow your head movements. As you an unaware of your real sorroundings, you truly feel like you are inside the game! This is how far you can get to the Matrix... :) It is truly fantastic... A 3D monitor and Nvidia's tricks are nothing compared to this. Just Google around.

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Just about the impact of Oculus: about 20 000 already have been ordered, despite the fact that this is only the developer version, with a smaller resolution, heavier weight, and larger overall dimensions. The gear is already feasible to use, and the consumer version will be even more. John Carmack would not give his name to this hardware, if it would be just a gimmick. As far as I can tell Oculus will be way more popular than TrackIr (if it isn't already). Third party developers are already making payware software to make legacy games compatible with (Vorpx, Vierio), so we can even play Flight Simulator X in full, surrounding 3D. I have never seen such hype around TrackIr. Don't get me wrong, I love TrackIr, I own one and use it whenever possible, but Oculus is much more revolutionary than TrackIr. It boost your gaming experince way more than TrackIr could. If anyone is in doubt, just search around a little bit, and you will see what I'm talking about. Bohemia was wise to implement TrackIr support, and it changed the game experience a lot. But that is a small step compared to the effect of what Oculus could do with this game.
Oculus is the way of the future and Arma should definetely not left out.

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Finally, we are right on track... :)
People who are using the dev kit usually report that it is comfortable to wear to 30+ minutes, than they take a little break. The biggest concern is the nausea or motion sickness is they getting (of course that depends on the game as well), and that they start sweating from the sheer excitement.
It is already working with Mirror's Edge through the 3rd party driver, and the guys who is playing it is clearly blown away, interesting to watch:
My concern is, if Arma 3 would not get official Oculus support, it might not be possible to mod it in later (it is evident on the video that 3rd party support is not perfect, and clearly not possible with every game).
But the excitement....

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Well, if you would like an answer: learn to use your keyboard. If you practice for a week, not looking at your keyboard, I can guarantee you that you will be using it like a pro, you will be able to hit the most difficult keycombinations blindfolded, and type way faster, than you do now, without looking. The problem is, there are some people who are not willing to do that, and if they continue ask questions stemming from their inability, they will hinder our efforts to make Arma 3 Oculus compatible (see 6 'down' votes). It is a no-brainer.

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Just because I don't play multiplayer, I don't say to get rid of the multiplayer feature in Arma 3, and spoil the fun for everyone else... Also, Arma is famous for it's millions of difficult key combinations, isn't it? Jesus, just because you belong to the 10% of gamers who can't use a keyboard as should, you are not supposed to ruin the fun for the rests. Besides, if you don't want Oculus, you simply don't use it. Whether it is implemented or not will not change a thing for you, nothing... If you are not interested, why you come here trying to undermine the effort to make Arma 3 compatible with a new piece of hardware which will revolutionize computer gaming???
Oculus is probably the greatest innovation in PC gaming in this decade (at least so far), and for the Arma series it is the logical step-up from Track IR.
Having Oculus support in Arma 3 would probably boost the sales a lot, and I'm not even going into the topic Virtual Battlespace again. It would be great for Bohemia, and it would be a heaven for us, gamers.

The game is at a developmental stage right now, and since Oculus support is not something that can be modded in later(people can't even mod Track IR support in, and the difficulty of that task is light years from an Oculus support). This is our only chance to make our voice heard, and Arma 3 Oculus-ready.

And for the others: Is it going to hurt anyone if Arma 3 will ship with native Oculus support? I don't think so.

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3
Susu986 added a comment to T63946: 3D Head-mounted Display Support.

Virtual Battlespace 3. If you guys at Bohemia ever thinking about releasing it, Oculus would probably boost the sales. Hell, I saw one picture with VBS 2, where the training center even procured a G25 racing wheel for the soldiers to make the simulation more immense. They would buy the Oculus, too, if the game supports it. Just imagine, you could provide the training centers with the coolest military simulator ever! Just think about it.

May 10 2016, 1:06 AM · Arma 3