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Dec 18 2013, 8:43 AM (587 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

Sponge added a comment to T88699: Can't interact with items, all I get is a "Receiving" notice..

I understand, it seems that every now and again it works, im sure its due to the server as when i place things on the ground (vicinity) they dissapear for good, so im pretty sure it's down to lag from the server and not giving all the info to the client. I hope this can be fixed or maybe made smoother by the dev soon, I've connected to the lowest ping servers <35 ish ping and still have the issue. It might be a combination of my internet plus the servers as my internet is pretty unstable lately.

May 10 2016, 4:30 PM · DayZ
Sponge added a comment to T88699: Can't interact with items, all I get is a "Receiving" notice..

oh OK, I've had the issue with most servers. Might be my connection, thanks for the feedback though.

May 10 2016, 4:30 PM · DayZ
Sponge edited Steps To Reproduce on T88699: Can't interact with items, all I get is a "Receiving" notice..
May 10 2016, 4:30 PM · DayZ
Sponge added a comment to T87182: mouse is moving weirdly..

I've experienced this bug too, it seems that whenever I enter a house it affects the sensitivity of my X axis, I've checked my settings and they haven't changed, it's not something that's game breaking, but I can see how it can get in the way when being in a fire fight.

May 10 2016, 3:20 PM · DayZ
Sponge added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

I have noticed alot of FPS drops when looking into towns and cities etc. I've found that by disabling all of the rendering effects to the lowest, it increases performance greatly and does not change the game and how it looks too much. You may want to consider keeping anti-aliasing on low instead of disabling though as it can help pick out targets in the distance and may be the difference between life and death. I'm not running the most insane setup, i have an i5 2500K w/ a GTX 560 TI and 8gb of ram running at 1600mhz and with all of the rendering settings lowered i am able to get a stable framerate with all of the texture quality and other options set to VERY HIGH.

May 10 2016, 2:10 PM · DayZ