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Oct 25 2020, 3:15 AM (227 w, 2 d)

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Oct 25 2020

SoundEnginar added a comment to T154563: Feedback from TRMZ on 1.10 Vanilla || Public Ticket.

Found these on experimental today, same life. starting to think its not the game, its the people...

Oct 25 2020, 5:05 PM · DayZ
SoundEnginar added a comment to T154563: Feedback from TRMZ on 1.10 Vanilla || Public Ticket.

I dont mind the game getting harder but obviously its getting harder wrong way. It's the difference between making an item rare and item being impossible to get because of some other tweaks. And It all comes down to base building somehow, I believe. De-spawn timers are ridicilous. Also people taking advantage of castles and building one door infront of it blocking the entrance is another way to say goodbye scopes and rifles and ammo isnt it? Personally, I couldnt care any less about base building and I seriously believe it should be removed from First Person Only servers. I got a lot of hate 1 or 2 years back when I say that from community, forums etc. and recently some streamers set up some servers disabling base building. They seem to be doing alright?

Oct 25 2020, 3:49 AM · DayZ