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- User Since
- May 9 2014, 2:51 PM (563 w, 1 d)
Jul 14 2016
I also play with many mods and it still works fine. Maybe it is becouse of one special mod. Try to find any errors in you log files which you can find in your appdata/loca/ArmA 3 folder or try to find out, which of the mods causes these problem. Maybe you just have to wait until the mods are updated for the new Apex Update. If you find out which mod causes the problem try to contact the mod creator. For example at where most mods are uploaded or in the workshop.
The server you are trying to connect to, is the one with the mods right? If you try to connect to a server witch isn't using any mods, of course it will kick you. If you try to connect to the right server, maybe there is something wrong with the mods. I would wait a few days for updates about these mods, because of the new Apex update.
May 10 2016
Well I have requested something like that nearly one year ago:
Ok, well this isn't something I searched for. I want a command you can connect to an other server with, not only send an message. For example:
The command could be "ClientConnectTo" with parameters ip and port and can only executed if not is Server, like this:
_ip = anyIP;
_port = 2302;
ClientConnectTo [_ip,_port];
And if you execute this you will be automaticly connected to this Server. There could also be an Command for "isServerFull" (returns true or false also returns false if Server is not reachable)
_ip = anyIP;
_port = 2302;
if((!isServer) AND (!isServerFull[_ip,_port]))then
ClientConnectTo [_ip,_port];