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- User Since
- Dec 24 2013, 3:38 AM (587 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Sm_K1ng edited Steps To Reproduce on T90597: Mouse Doesnt Properly Work On Low Custom Resoloutions.
Sm_K1ng added a comment to T90109: Screen Stays Grey After Sickness Goes Away.
Its nice to know ill lose my m4 then... i was thinking if i should kill myself anyway because i lost the survivor feel after i got loaded with military gear.I feel more like a lonely soldier than a survivor
Sm_K1ng added a comment to T90109: Screen Stays Grey After Sickness Goes Away.
my problem is i havent been hit at all in that life
Sm_K1ng set Category to category:other on T90109: Screen Stays Grey After Sickness Goes Away.
Sm_K1ng added a comment to T89766: Suggestion for Zombies.
I agree with you this would make the game feel very different. You would actually have to save your bullets for an emergency unlike now where i just shoot any zombies that decide to follow me out of town