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- User Since
- Jan 8 2014, 6:12 PM (582 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Sinphaltimus added a comment to T105051: "Tons of loot" bug..
We have a Private Shard and we are seeing increased instability with areas that are exploding with loot. That combined with hoarders I think is having a severe negative impact on the private shard DB. Also noticed the south side of the map is void of any loot while the north side is exploding with it. All fire stations in the north seem to be exploding with loot, especially in Severograd.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Sinphaltimus added a comment to T94688: Extremely FPS-drops after new patch!!! From ~ 40 fps to 5-10 fps!!!.
Nope, not the paint. Alpha can no longer be tested for me right now the fps has dropped so badly. And the rain, - that kills it even more. in an open field.
AMD-8350 16GB ram, Win7x64 running on 3 SSDs and eVGA GTX 770 SC 4GB w/ACX.
I heard something about "Monday", where can i read more about this Monday memory Leak fix?
Sinphaltimus edited Steps To Reproduce on T94523: Cannot go Prone or Squat with fists up.
Sinphaltimus edited Steps To Reproduce on T93425: Open door, Get pushed through wall..