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- User Since
- Jun 22 2016, 10:15 PM (453 w, 5 d)
Dec 31 2016
Aug 2 2016
Jul 31 2016
Jul 25 2016
Actually not, because the vehicles 10 hours Persistence remain. Since the rotation is not important. Our server reboots every six hours. But the vehicles remain. What we suspect is that the timer was wrong set on all vehicles. Besides remained the vehicles in the version 0.59 available. No matter how they have turned.
Jul 24 2016
I hope so too. This goes quite on my nerves every time to look for a new vehicle ...
Jul 22 2016
Unfortunately not, have it tested. The vehicle disappeared after 10 hours, regardless of whether they rotate.
In any event, the orientation of the vehicle does not matter. The persistence works, they remain hold only 10 hours standing.
Jul 21 2016
Can you tell me the link or the original comment by Hicks?
Jul 20 2016
What's just I have noticed that the synchronization is not interrogated properly. It also happens that the character is reset when you started.
Jul 19 2016
Yes the gears could be switch through.
There were times the case that a number of vehicles that have the same problem at the same time .
Jul 16 2016
Jul 15 2016
Jul 14 2016
Jul 13 2016
Good evening,
Jul 8 2016
Jul 5 2016
Jul 3 2016
Jun 27 2016
Jun 26 2016
Jun 23 2016
I found one on a US Helicrash.
Jun 22 2016
I've already noticed that even in good ammunition, when you all sharing up to one, is because a small percentage probability that there is a Badly Damage there is.
I have a slightly different trouble, when I disconnected and re-Connect is the bus, Lada or Sedan missing. 0.60.133617