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- User Since
- Jul 30 2014, 3:29 AM (545 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
SchwarzerMeister set Category to category:edeneditor on T85882: Set fligh high.
SchwarzerMeister added a comment to T85833: Jogging -> no limit.
Achso, danke. Jetzt hab ich verstanden was du meintest.
Das Ticket kann jetzt geschlossen werden.
SchwarzerMeister added a comment to T85833: Jogging -> no limit.
ok. my english is not the best.
Pls. explain me, what is you exactly meaning.
Are you knowing about there is coming a patch, wich is fixing the problem of never ending jogging or shall this really bee like that?
I don't know what you was meaning with your post"all in all its intendet"
SchwarzerMeister set Category to category:stamina on T85833: Jogging -> no limit.
SchwarzerMeister added a comment to T85833: Jogging -> no limit.
yes, but the old ticket was closed without result.
I don't know why, so i make a new ticket. When Bohemia Team close this, i want a statement about the issue. (Sadly i can't reopen the old Ticket)
This would be nice.
SchwarzerMeister set Category to category:stamina on T85827: I can run forever.
SchwarzerMeister set Category to category:edeneditor on T85825: Nice to.
SchwarzerMeister added a comment to T85824: Landing order.
The Heli in the Mission should land on the roof of the Hospital. By me, the heli is landing right next to the roof.
SchwarzerMeister set Category to category:edeneditor on T85824: Landing order.
SchwarzerMeister set Category to category:edeneditor on T84251: need more features.
SchwarzerMeister added a comment to T64186: Weapons: Flashbang Stun Grenades & GL Flashbang Grenades.
pls add