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- User Since
- Aug 21 2016, 11:48 AM (445 w, 3 d)
Sep 27 2016
Sep 27 2016
Schnucki added a comment to T119992: Ground sinking feature causing problems with player hitboxes, also creates problems with walls and objects.
Just add an option to enable/disable the feature on servers first of all.
Taking cover in grass isn't a thing in many gamemodes. Admins would have the choice to offer it with the inconveniences or disable it for having matching hitboxes.
Aug 21 2016
Aug 21 2016
Schnucki added a comment to T119992: Ground sinking feature causing problems with player hitboxes, also creates problems with walls and objects.
just did some testing how the grass render distance affects this issue.
used command:
setTerrainGrid X;
with X = 25 (according to "Standard"):
with X = 3.125 (according to "Ultra"):
with X = 50 (acoording to "Low" / no Grass):