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- User Since
- Apr 10 2018, 7:03 PM (358 w, 3 d)
Apr 10 2018
Apr 10 2018
SaucyPosse added a comment to T128123: ARMA 3 is only playable with all the DLC, wich spending 40$ on a game to find out you have to spend 80$ more to even play it IS A COMPLETE SCAM.
yea this game is trash, complete rip off, if its a DLC u cant drive or shoot u can only ride, GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK IM NOT PAYING 90 FUCKIN DOLLARS TO PLAY UR SCAMMY ASS GAME
SaucyPosse added a comment to T128123: ARMA 3 is only playable with all the DLC, wich spending 40$ on a game to find out you have to spend 80$ more to even play it IS A COMPLETE SCAM.
Ok, that's semi helpful but still that seems like I'm gonna be playing a game with half its content missing, are there even gonna be anything I can drive or do or is this game going to feel like a demo the whole time cuz this still is a problem, lemme go play it a little to see how much this REALLY affects me cuz u may be right and maybe these DLCs are just skins or something, but if I cant drive tanks, choppers, jets, etc because I don't have DLC then that's still a rip off
SaucyPosse renamed T128123: ARMA 3 is only playable with all the DLC, wich spending 40$ on a game to find out you have to spend 80$ more to even play it IS A COMPLETE SCAM from ARMA 3 is only playable with all the DLC, wich spending 40$ on a game to find out you have to spend 40$ more to even play it IS A COMPLETE SCAM to ARMA 3 is only playable with all the DLC, wich spending 40$ on a game to find out you have to spend 80$ more to even play it IS A COMPLETE SCAM.
SaucyPosse renamed T128123: ARMA 3 is only playable with all the DLC, wich spending 40$ on a game to find out you have to spend 80$ more to even play it IS A COMPLETE SCAM from Arma is only playable if you buy DLC witch adding on top of the 40$ thats a complete fucking rip off to ARMA 3 is only playable with all the DLC, wich spending 40$ on a game to find out you have to spend 40$ more to even play it IS A COMPLETE SCAM.